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DC GUY (unplugged) 10-31-14 (Tony's Handler is DC - Winston Pfiester) Replay Audio Link 124min


Not the whole call, but DC's big reveal and a little of the conversation following.

DC: So this morning my, one of my, or four of my friends called in Iraq at 4 a.m. and so I couldn�t go back to sleep so I got to thinking, and one thing I am remiss to do, or I have not done, is to kind of basically I�m, once this goes through Tony myself and others are going to have to sign an NDA that�s 10-15 years so basically silence us for that period of time. Are we pleased to do it? Sure. I mean, our goal is to help and not to promote anything, so we are happy to do it. But then I got to thinking well unfortunately because, one, because I really didn�t really want to get into it mainly, but also just because I haven�t really taken the time to kind of explain my background and how I got into this and kind of my intent and whatnot. I think those who paid real close attention will probably know all of this, but I thought for those reporters, the researchers, the lawyers, the intelligent, or the law enforcement agencies, those guys kind of wanted it to help put it all together, I�m going to put it together for you. And just so you indulge me on there. Those who don�t want to, don�t care, which is probably the majority of you, just put it on the internet. That�s the main reason we didn�t do this. I think it was mainly about the, main reason I didn�t get into it because frankly I always thought it was about the information and, you know, if you believed my information or if you thought it was good then you listened, and if you didn�t you didn�t, you know, to each his own going on there. But again I thought it might be helpful for some folks again also to kind of understand why where and how we got about this.

Okay. One, my name is Winston. It�s not something we talk about. How did DC come about? Literally Tony just pulled it out of the air, it had no clue whatsoever. He literally, I said hey Tony can I be help, would it be helpful to be on the call after knowing Tony for nine months, he said, �Yeah if you don�t mind.� And I said �Hey, don�t use my name because I don�t want some internet crazy bugging my kids, ahh, so just, you know, pick whatever name.� And he said, �Do you care?� I said, �Have no clue.� And so he picked out DC Guy, just I guess because I have a few DC connections.

So I�ve got two small kids, I�m an absolutely devoted father. I don�t care, when I get home typically at 5, 5:30 I turn off my phone or don�t answer my phone much. It really aggravates Tony and others. And they�re, my kids are my life and that�s what I get to play with. I luckily had kids later in life so I can, like to think that I appreciate them maybe a little more because I�m halfway between a father and a grandfather I guess. And on weekends I don�t answer phones because that�s kid time and Tony and Pam and everybody else can kind of attest to that because that�s what I�m devoted to. I�ve been married to the same woman for 14 years, I�ve been with her for 16. Hobbies are like to travel a lot, I�m a pilot. I love bird hunting and deer hunting. I love fly fishing. I read a lot. I�ve been working too much to read too much, but I�m down to reading two to four books a month now, typically half biographies, typically historical biographies and half just kind of fun silly stuff meaning like, you know, mysteries and also financial reports and that kind of stuff for understanding how to handle money. Let�s see, um, the books I liked or the paper I typically read one to three papers a day, typically the Journal, the Post, and typically one international deal as well as The Economist.

I talk fast because I frankly think fast, and oftentimes I skip through things because I think I�ve covered enough and I just move on. My intent in doing it on the phone, one I am capable of talking slow, but I mainly talk fast just because frankly I think we can get, if we can get two or three more callers into a call then that�s great, and also it�s recorded, so those who didn�t quite hear something, they can go back or they can go over and read the notes on the deal.

I think of myself as a farm and ranch kid. Frankly I grew up half at my parents� house and my grandparents�. I started working when I was six on the farm. Quick aside because it has a point is I started working when I was six during the summers. My grandfather got me up at five in the morning, the first summer when I was six, took, packed a huge lunch, big bunch, or two gallons of water, dropped me off an hour-and-a-half away at a ranch we were ranching and said I�ll pick you up at six. So I was in the field by 6:15 and he picked me up at 6. The point in mentioning is not that my grandfather was a bad guy, he�s actually an absolute wonderful man but the simple fact that I grew up working and I grew up fast because I had to. And so, therefore, what that gets to is the fact that some of those folks who understand my age will understand it doesn�t correlate with the connections I�ve got and it�s frankly because I learned to work very early and I worked all my life a lot. You know, a typical day is fourteen hours a day, and I just like that. It�s a pace that fits me. If I get, if I work only eight hours a day, I don�t like it, it feels like I�m slacking.

Anyway, so after college I was a business consultant with an IT deal. I ended up with, wanted to get a little more technical after a couple of years into that, so I went to work for a think tank, technical think tank, the technical word is Federally Funded Research and Development Corporation. Tony likes to give me hell about Ivy League connections and the reason for that is simply because it�s highly....

Tony: MIT, that�s why. But go ahead, lol.


DC: We�re immensely related to MIT. Yeah. So it is one of the branches, MIT has spawned several of those, it started with the Manhattan Project and does a lot of work with DARPA and other intelligence agencies, and there are several of them and I�m not naming them, but, which when I am, not because I�m ashamed of it be, in fact I really thorough enjoyed working for them. I thought it was an absolute wonderful place to be and I�m just grateful I was there and frankly kind of humbled that they picked up a farm kid from Texas. I could always call my, I laughingly call myself the diversity hire because I�m just a farm kid.

So this is before 911 and what I would specialize on was battle command and intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance systems. So what that means is how do you get your military systems to work together. How do you tell the artillery what planes are doing and planes are what the air, you know, the floor-to-air controllers are doing, etc., on there. I�ve always loved the military, dad and brother Navy. I didn�t get, go in there because I�ve got broken vertebraes and also broken most of my bones in my body so therefore I don�t really qualify for that but actually ended up seeing a lot more action than either my dad or my brother did. The, anyway, so my point in mentioning is that you know just loved the military, loved everything related to that, and therefore I got, and after 911 everything obviously got much more real and much more serious. A lot of the intelligence, some communication systems, battle command systems did not work well together. You can talk to any on the, it�s extremely well documented, they just weren�t going to work well together, both, not just inter-army, not just inter-defense agency likes the Marines and Air Force or the Marines and the Army, but even also with the intelligence systems, especially with the coalition partners they brought in etc.

My point in mentioning is quite simply this, is, frankly, young guy doing all that stuff, I was willing to work a tremendous amount of hours, for, �til 2007, I averaged over a hundred hours a week for, from �01 to �07 I was over a hundred hours a week. Again, point in mentioning about the farm stuff is you learn to work, and you learn to work hard and well going on there. I solved a few problems and just unknowingly, I didn�t understand how politics or career stuff worked, but a few very senior people noticed and kind of pulled me up and made me their guy to help resolve problems. That, what that ended up doing was expose again to more aspects of this, the getting ready for the dinar, start, had a group together, one is the plan from a long time ago that they tried to do in the �90s, and then, they tried actually in the �50s then �90s, and then in the preparation for the Iraq War it was, they had a lot of plans related to that. They had a lot of, they had hundreds of people working on the plan and it was divided, it was run by a really top-notch group which I hope is really recognized for all the work they did because they did just a tremendous amount of economic study, a tremendous amount of security work, a tremendous amount of banking stuff, and really spent an immense amount of time walking through everything and frankly I think they deserve their name in lights for what they�ve done on there. Unfortunately most of this, were not on there. My point in mentioning is what I have done is I helped out with a very tiny tiny sliver, micro micro thing on there but was read onto that on an early early timeline. That�s why I could not do a lot of, could not talk in dinar community until April of 2013 because that�s basically when my ten years ran out on some of the help I did on there.

The other aspects, mainly basically what, continue to go, continue to advance where I could, I was a techie who could handle myself in difficult situations both where
frankly people are trying to blow you up, shoot you. Also I was handy, because I�ve been hunting all my life, I was kind of handy, so it was easy to handle those things. Part of what they loved about myself and a lot of us in think tank world was that it was kind of a quasi-government setup and system where they could throw us into a government position without all the hassle with contractors or a lot of the reporting of a government contract agency, and when you�re doing a lot of ad hoc fighting, a lot of ad hoc communication, etc. you need to not be constrained by a lot of bureaucracy of which we were, I was used as well as many others were used on there because I could handle myself and because I had a knack for people and working with folks, especially in very difficult situations that was basically frankly, I�ll be perfectly blunt, I was way out of my league. They advanced me so far further than I deserved, but it was very flattering and very engaging.

The wonderful thing about that is it exposed me to not just a bunch of really fun beer-drinking stories, but what it also did was to have a tremendous and very humbling impact on my life about having to meet these incredible people who have been involved in this process for a long time and some of the intelligence officers, the generals, the politicians, diplomats involved in this, I�ve briefed them through different things and keep up with them from time to time and try to help everybody along the way. One reason I believe they helped me is because frankly because they knew I wasn�t a lifer in the system. They knew I wasn�t gonna last! So that I did that, so I had an overt job which was to help a lot of the technical aspects of things, and then I had a covert job which initially was just a little minor stuff and then grew into a massive part of what I used to do. Some of the stuff is still locked up in a classified and I can�t ever talk about it, some will be released and other things, and a lot of the stuff is frankly boring as hell and nobody cares about. My point in mentioning is that a lot of the overt stuff, very few people knew I was doing what I was doing. In fact, only one person really knew the actual place, the physical place I was at, and because there was a lot of flexibility, I was able to move on there and also have teams in different countries and different locations as well as work with a lot of coalition partners without everybody knowing. So I had a hell of a good time and fun.

But after the surge in Iraq I started seeing the handwriting on the wall. I was way too young to have the positions I had, way too young for where I wanted to go, and I knew that also as things become more bureaucratic in a positive way, meaning things get more routine, more process oriented, more whatnot, as well as frankly some of the negative sides of bureaucracy, I don�t like that. I don�t fit well in it. I do very well ad hoc stuff and was very much not into that.

My heart has always been to be an entrepreneur from when I was little. I knew I was going to be an entrepreneur when I was eight. I knew it when the fact that I was hoeing cotton out in middle of Texas heat, it was 104 degrees, and I started thinking of businesses then and I have not been able to turn my mind off at that. The, and so therefore, I first started several IT companies and did well with those. One or two didn�t do as well as they should have but they did pretty well. I then branched out to other businesses and have built those up. Some have been very successful, some have been moderately successful, some, frankly, have failed and it�s, that�s always painful, but that�s kind of part of the bruises that you deal with. And anyway that�s largely frankly how, the background on there.

Into, let me see, I still do some volunteer work for folks and wanted to maintain connections but mainly just to help out where I can because I feel very, very grateful to the people who have you know, frankly pulled me out of absolute obscurity. And I mean I�m very humble, I know full well that they liked me �cause I made them laugh and I could handle myself and it was fine. And I was also able to solve some problems. So that�s a large part of it. So I still volunteer.

Dinars, etc. So I mentioned about the group and helping a little bit, a sliver, in putting the whole thing together. After basically the ten-year lockup on everything else basically ,I wanted to help. I�d been watching some of the guru stuff online, a little bit from time to time, and had been kind of half paying attention to a lot of things, and frankly I�d forgotten a lot about the dinar. I had some but I just had it in my sock drawer like every other guy, you know, who went over there. You just grabbed some and you�d end up with it later. And then I kind of, frankly, because I did so many things, I had forgotten a lot about it, and, or didn�t really forget I just kind of compartmentalized into where I just wasn�t thinking about it. And then a friend of mine got me to, or basically said, �Hey what about this dinar?� My God that�s so familiar, why is that? And I was driving home from lunch with him and it was like oh shoot, you know, that was really something that we wanted to do and to move on. And you know something incredible etc., and so this is before I started paying a little more attention.

And in April of 2013 I called kind of my, one of my old bosses up and I asked, �Hey, I�m gonna help these folks out, you know, it�s only two or three weeks away, I�m gonna help these guys out, I�ll just help them out in the background, and you�re gonna help me with, you�re gonna help me.� And they said, �Are you sure you want to do that?� I said, �Yeah. You know here�s the ones I think I could get along with. Frankly, I like Tony because he laughs.� Because you can tell, I don�t take myself nor anybody else very seriously. He laughed at himself, able to get along, as well as I could tell where his information is, he had a lot of really strong US Treasury, IMF, BIS, and banks and I brought more of the DC stuff, the intel guys, Defense and Iraq, and he already had some really good sources there, but I thought I could help with that.

And so I had backgrounds run on everybody, a little further, and Tony had some warts for sure and we�ve talked about that, not gonna dwell on that, but also I knew that Tony and kind of get us to another point, and now me are under an absolute microscope, not just by y�all who are listening and paying attention, but law enforcement, every kind of freaking law enforcement you could have, intelligence agencies, not just in the US but also foreign, and you�ve got also many other political types who now pay attention and have us under an absolute microscope. My point in mentioning is that okay Tony�s got some warts but I can live with this, and he�s a good guy, had some problems in the past, but I don�t, but I�m comfortable with him, and I�m comfortable with people, you know, if they�re moving on with their live who cares, as long as they trying to help people. And also most importantly I could tell, and also I, helped because they had him under a microscope, could tell he was doing it for all the right reasons, trying to help people out.

So I called up Tony and said �Hey, my name�s Winston and I�m happy to help if you�re, you know, if you need help If not, you know, I�m not trying to barge in, but let me know if you need help.� And so we talked a little bit and kind of hit it off. And he was highly skeptical at first as well as Pam and others were extremely skeptical that I was who I said I was because I sound just kind of like a half-ass which frankly I still kind of view myself as a farm kid. And so basically that ended up, we ended up hitting it off. He ended up kind of double checking and checking and having others run background checks on me and doing all those kind of things as well as many others involved. So my point is the fact that that�s how it kind of came about, the TNT team. I helped with Tony in a lot of the different aspects, and I would like to think I helped some folks in this before I became, before I got on the air, but again not a big deal.

In November of 2013 I decided hey, or I just asked Tony �Hey would it be helpful, you know, I�m on the call, just to have somebody else there, not just barking at him you have somebody else at least to interact with.� Tony and I kind of hit it off. You can tell we both just kind of get along real well. And he said, �Sure!� I said, �Okay great, just don�t use my name because I don�t want some psycho showing up at my kids� school.� Fun fact, that did happen later. The, and so he just pulled DC out of a hat. I mean just totally pulled it out of the hat. And why I mean, I�ve never done anything I�m ashamed of. I�ve had some failures absolutely, there�s no doubt about it. So has every other successful person in the world. Those who have not failed frankly haven�t tried. So again, I�ve got nothing to hide on there. I don�t post a lot of stuff online. I don�t get on Twitter. I don�t get on Facebook much. I don�t do a lot of other things except to look at kid stuff and my nephew�s stuff and my friend�s kids stuff. So it�s just not really online, so that�s why the DC Guy stuff

My initial, again was to help, why I really did this was to help folks stay in the game. I didn�t care if anybody bought any more because frankly, the rate of return is amazing and you know, just hold onto some of it because it can change your absolute life. And just to kind of help people along the game. But it then grew into a, a little more of that as some of the, as some things kind of progressed along in the political world.

So some of the sources again for the reporters and everyone else, for the reporters, the kind of the sources that I helped Tony cover was a lot of folks in Iraq, parliament, all sides, the Shia, Sunni, Kurds and other sub-parties of those guys. I had some friends at the CBI, some security contractors in Iraq, some security, or the intelligence and defense guys in Iraq, the, a lot of the coalition guys because I spent a lot of time helping those guys work together as well as helping them get some things squared away at a lower level. Not all my contacts, in fact, frankly my best contacts are not the highest. The best contacts are actually the guys on the ground doing the work, and you�ll hear me saying that at times because again, farm kind kind of still comes up. The guys who talk and the guys who do the work, farm kid still definitely entrenched in my life. And then I had several at the UN, obviously in the military and in the intelligence world. Primarily, especially a lot of JSOC guys and those kind of types. Those are, again, those are kind of mainly where I hung out.

So but what happened with the sources, and I have mentioned many times and so folks don�t have to put it all together, is around November timeline some folks started getting paid out, and especially the politically connected ones and some of those were just straight cash, some of those were you get an SKR, some of those had an SKR with a 1% access fee or they had basically different access to their funds, etc., which frankly were quite unsettling to everybody because of the fairness issue. Now we beat that to death and I�m not here to beat it again. What I am trying to simply say is that a lot of very very good folks on both sides of the political aisle, at the US Treasury, at the IMF, BIS, folks throughout the world, at banks, and everybody else, that�s when frankly my sources, specifically and Tony�s as well, started going up in style, because they said, �This isn�t right, this is not the right thing to do. You know, I thought I was gonna be a day ahead of somebody else, okay who cares. But wait, you know, it�s December and they still haven�t paid anybody? It�s January and they still haven�t paid anybody?� So in essence, what we, I ended up with frankly quadrupling the amount of sources I had by just simply everybody being angry about the process and the unfairness that we�ve pointed out many times. Again I�m not trying to hit on anybody, but it�s not a, it�s not a problem that people just ignored, it was very much there and a lot of good folks who would be able to pass information to us were able to do so. And so a lot of them were like hey, you know they�ve given contact to a friend or something like that and link up and we�d go from there. And that�s how we ended up talking, some sources I talked to four or five times a day, some I talked to once a month, It totally depends on what�s going on.

Will I ever reveal who any of my sources are? Not a chance in hell, never will. It has caused a great deal of frustration with law enforcement, great deal of frustration with other intelligence agencies, etc., who have my phone bugged, my wife�s phone bugged, and everybody else, and some of it�s legal and some of it is absolutely not, but there are a lot of folks who are doing this, both US based as well as foreign. Tony has mentioned that in the past, I�ve jokingly mentioned it in the past. I don�t, frankly, you just kind of accept it as part of the deal. What you also do, is with the folks you�re sensitive about, which are most of mine, you develop, and thankfully because of my background in intelligence and in special operations and operating in non-conventional ways, I was able to learn kind of okay what are these capabilities, how can you get around those things. You learn some basic kind of common-sense things that can square away almost, that can kind of keep things hidden. I�m not talking about trying to keep things hidden for anything wrong because I talk on the radio for six hours a week. If I was doing something wrong it would be pretty stupid. And one thing I�ve never been really told is I�m stupid. Because again, if I had anything to hide I would not be talking on the radio.

So what I�m doing is simply trying to protect the privacy of those folks who are talking, and I, because of my nature of dealing with different classified levels from very basic to very high and also knowing all that stuff, I don�t want anybody to feel uncomfortable, nor do I want to have any classified information, and I don�t want anybody snooping around as well as these are a lot of top tier, especially with the top tier guys, they don�t want to have, you know, some guy snooping around their system or systems or whatever who might let them know this guy�s talking to DC Guy. So we set up basic kind of safeguards because they�re very easy to do, that, how we communicate with them or how I communicate with them. Others just talk on the phone and the hell with it, and some I still talk on the phone, and still have different kind of phones too. But again, that has aggravated a lot of folks, but quite simply I�m just protecting their privacy. They�ve asked to do so, and if they want to let people know that I talk to them, to me that is their job, that�s their choice to make it is not mine. I will never ever mention that, even ten years down the road I�m never going to talk about it.

Okay! Let�s see, I�m going to hit a few more things and then we�ll turn it over to calls. Some fair questions for people who are just looking into this is y�all called it a lot, you called it quite a bit, or didn�t call it frankly we would say it looks really really good, I pray to God this goes. And I have given up but I did initially saying okay this is a date they promised everybody to get to. And were y�all trying to pump things, were you trying to do something else, etc. Fair question. And quite simply the answer is no. One is, one I�m doing this to help folks out. I only thought I�d be here for two weeks, it�s eighteen months later, so was it even worth setting up for two weeks? No. And frankly if I�d known I would have been in here for eighteen months, might have thought of something differently, but I keep thinking it�s nearly done, because so many times it has been so close. I�m not joking and history will prove me right, I swear to God this has nearly gone over a hundred times since April. And it has been cued up and ready to go. I guarantee that I will be proven right, but it will take at least ten years if not fifteen or more, that everything was cued up, butts in seats, ready to go. And so that�s, you know, a large part of the reason why we did it ourselves, �cause we thought it was gonna go so what the hell�s the purpose?!

Second of all is we�re all about to make an enormous sum of money, so why risk it by some petty law that I don�t understand and that I�m not capable of? I�m just not going to risk it, I mean the money is too great here in order to do something stupid to make a few dollars now in order to jeopardize something or jeopardize me not seeing my kids or jeopardizing something like that, it ain�t worth it to me. And also, just let�s talk common sense, who would I be working with? Frankly I�ve mentioned Sterling because I bought from Sterling, I bought from several others, and Tony has as well. How would we know, let�s walk through basic common logic folks, is that if we had a capability of saying okay Tony says this, or DC says this, put that in your promo code when you do on there and say, you know, Tony code is Tony 1-2-3 and DC is Tony 1-2-3, so there�s, nobody has that, or at least I don�t know of any, I�ve never, I mean I�ve bought of there plenty of times but I�ve never done that. And so my point in mentioning is that there�s no way to directly correlate what we do to going on there.

Second of all, in a non-direct way, frankly Sterling and the other currency dealers were making bukus of money before this, before I came along, and they sure as hell don�t need me helping them. I mean they�re doing incredibly well before me so what�s the whole purpose of it? Third of all, it�s immoral to do that, and I believe that Sterling and all the other ones are trying to do the right thing. Fourth is they are constantly audited by the US Treasury and other agencies by, for following all these rules and regulations and they�re constantly changing them and adapting them on there. If you are heavily regulated, how long do you think you�re going to get away with doing something that is immoral, irregular, illegal, anything else? Almost no time. If you�re in constant contact because hey we�re thinking about going today, just be careful we�re about to go, if you�re in that much constant contact with Homeland Security, FBI, UST, everybody else, you gotta be pretty much an idiot to try to push those guys around when it�s this close and you�re this contacted, I mean it is not that, it�s just that smart and frankly I found Ty and Frank to be very intelligent people who run a good business. I also found several other do a good business. I also have found that several others do a good business, so, you know, that�s on there. Do I expect everybody to believe me? No, because the crazies, you can�t fix crazy! You can�t shine shoot! So my point in mentioning is that this is, these guys, there are crazy people who are gonna keep thinking they�re crazy, keep thinking that we did this financially. I can�t fix those issues and any due diligence will, on there.

Let�s hit the crazies just for a little bit. Because, why I didn�t have my name out there was simply because I didn�t think it mattered. I didn�t think it mattered to have it on there, and frankly I thought I was on it for a short time so who gave a rat�s ass who DC Guy was. You know, if you like the information, good. If you don�t, great, please move on. I meant what I said and I continue to mean what I say is quite simply, if you don�t like our information, that�s great, we can have an intellectual discussion about where we�re at, and frankly, I think there are several gurus who do a very good job about bringing their information to you.

I have said many times that I think we all should be appreciative of the folks who are doing this for free and just trying to help everybody to, doing the same thing that Tony and I are doing, trying to help people out, not rip them up. Hey, I may have a difference between myself and Randy Koontz, or Mountain Goat or whatever, well they�re trying to bring their own, you know, their own perspective and they have a really good source here, really good source here, theirs are a little different, good for them! You know, okay let�s debate that, that is a good debate to have, and if I�m wrong, great, I�m wrong, let�s talk about that. But bringing into the personal stuff, like having pictures of my family, you know, there are psychos showing up at the door. There�s a nut job who has a real, he has an incest porn problem and a gaming issue, who is putting all these videos up there and it�s just like whatever. So quite simply the best way to do that is to let law enforcement do their job and let, you know, lawyers do their job.

So I have absolutely let the lawyers and law enforcement do their job because they have been doing their job. They have been taking down folks who have been scamming people, and we�ve been helping provide that information to those folks saying hey you may want to check those folks out because they�re scamming people. Again, would we be doing this, would we be doing something that is dirty considering how much constant communication we are with law enforcement? No! It would be the biggest moron thing to do. I mean why would I do this when I�m in constant contact with four or five different law enforcement agencies and God knows how many intelligence agencies? I mean I�m not an idiot! So my point in mentioning is that, again I don�t care if there are people who are never going to believe anything, and you can�t fix those people. The folks who brought out my name was frankly a vindictive jerk who just thought he�d be nasty and put it out there. And frankly now I have to have extra security at my house, I have to have folks go by my kids� school, I have to do all that stuff. Was it a risk I was willing to take to help folks? Yeah! But it�s not fair to the rest of the world to try to do this. When you�re in the public light do you have some issues with that? Yes of course. But also my point is that every guru does not deserve to be crapped on like this, �cause we�ve been trying to help everybody through the biggest financial thing in the history of time, and we�re going to do that.

Okay, finishing up. What am I gonna do after this darn thing, is quite simply I�m gonna have a vacation and enjoy the absolute hell out of it because I don�t want to talk on the phone for fourteen hours a day anymore. But more importantly I�m going to start a lot of businesses that�s I�ve been, have prepped for and ready to go. And first of all to say that, I�m sorry let me, I�m going to have a caveat, also want, another big reason that I�ve helped folks is because frankly I�ve gone through a lot of financial problems doing this time, too. And frankly I feel, you know, the word, the line is overused and humorous, but I feel a lot of folks� pain �cause I�ve had a lot of the same financial problems that folks get on there, and frankly I just feel horrible for them and it also encourages me to continue on to try to help these folks to say hey, there�s light at the end of this tunnel, I know, I�m going through the same thing about my x-y-z and this is something that I�m going through myself. And so therefore I�m trying to, you know, I can empathize with a lot of folks who are in very tough financial problems �cause I am too, and so that�s a big help.

Okay, now back to going on. I�m going to start a lot of, several new businesses that I have been waiting to start for years. I�ve got a lot of things set up. I haven�t started a new business in several years, and frankly I got the itch bad and I gotta get going. And so I�m really excited about those. I�m not gonna mention those because frankly they�re private. Most of my businesses I have are very private �cause I don�t want it to be public, I�m not a public kind of guy. Again I�m gonna go in the background.

I�m gonna start three foundations. One is for learning disabled kids because a lot of us are, I was learning disabled, or I still am I guess, learning disabled, but also fellow learning disabled people are Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Churchill, Michelangelo, a bunch of folks. So I�m okay with being learning disabled if that�s the crowd I�m playing with. And so basically I think a lot of, there�s been just a tremendous amount of success in a lot of folks, but nobody�s really put it all together, or they�ve tried to put it all together but I think with some money and some management we can do a lot for it. Two is hungry children. Blows my freakin� head off about the US is the richest country in the world and we can�t feed our own darn children. It just drives me, and you know the fact that I got two little small kids, you know, I just can�t imagine them being hungry, blows my head off. Second [third] is parklands. I�m a big kind of get outside and get going kind of guy, you can see my hobbies are all outside, and basically that to, kind of if you�re gonna have nicer parks, better parks, especially parks in neighborhoods, I think that helps to revitalize a neighborhood, revitalize things. Quite excited about that.

I�ve been asked about a potential foray into politics. I cuss too much and drink too much, so I�m probably not the best political candidate out there. I�ve been addressed by both Democrats and Republicans, and I�m fiercely independent. I have seen absolute wonderful people with wonderful agendas in both parties and absolute the worst kind of people in both parties, and so I find it a hard time reconciling a party as well as I�m not a patient person, so I don�t know if I would have a lot of patience for some of the stuff on there. But anyway that�s there, never say never but it would be a tough sell.

Also going to do something I�m really excited about is I�m going to beg, plead, push, grovel, whatever the hell I can do, to get some of these key players to either open part of an exhibit at their libraries, their museums, their what have you, and if they�re not willing to do that for all sorts of different reasons which are very very understandable, then my plan is to have a museum/research center about how the RV came about from all different sides of the party including Iraq, including the US, including all the other players in there, both political parties, different folks doing it, that�s why we also had the books created. We�re going to do basically a museum in order to do so. But I think it�s more than just a museum to show what happened and the process and the pain and toil that everybody took to get there, but quite simply it�s also to study the effects of it which I think are more fascinating than actually studying what has happened is how much effect this will have, and you heard me get on my soap box in the past about getting on a, about what this will do to the world, I think it�s just going to be amazing.

And also I just want to thank everybody for being a part of this. I hope we�ve helped some folks, and I hope I�ve helped y�all get along. I also really hope that we�ve helped keep a few people from blowing it all and to have the right mindset in this going forward. So anyway, too long, too fast, but that�s what I got.

T: Okay. First of all, I never ever in my wildest dreams thought that�s what you were gonna say today! I mean even though I knew what you were gonna say, I did not think you were gonna give up that much information today.

Pam: I�m with you boss!


DC: The main reason was to get, you know, I�m gonna be locked up for 10-15 years on an NDA, so my point is to basically, I�m never gonna be able to tell my side of the story, so that�s my side of the story.

T: Okay. Pam wanted to say something �cause she�s just fascinated right now.

Pam: I�m actually blown away. I didn�t think you were doing that either. You know I already knew most of that but man oh man that was awesome!

T: That�s right. And second of all since you talk so fast, I�m gonna tell them what you said so they fully understand. He is very educated, MIT, you didn�t say the other schools so I�m not gonna, I didn�t know if there was a reason for that.

DC: I went to Baylor undergrad. I don�t have a degree from MIT because frankly I thought it was a waste of time to get my doctorate there because I was never gonna be a lifer. They had a wonderful program to do that but it was not really my thing. And also I was a lot more operational, I like getting out in the field and doing stuff. I didn�t like studying too much.

T: Okay. He has a photographic memory even though he says he�s learning disabled, and remembers everything word for word just so you guys know. He was actually in Iraq--tell me if I�m going too far--before this started. I want them to know that you actually in this position spent time with Maliki in the room, so, just so they�ll know that.

DCL: Yeah, quite a few times. Normally when he was in the US, but sometimes when he was there. Yeah.

T: He knew the plan years before we did and was actually part of the plan, so...

DC: Minor. Sliver, sliver, sliver. Don�t give myself, you know....very small sliver.

T: I want you guys to understand what covert really means if you don�t. And if you don�t, look it up, �cause then you�ll know what he was really doing, all right? And understand when he said at such a young age, the rank that he gave him and the position that he gave him which we know pissed off a whole bunch of other people �cause they were much older.

DC: And you know I didn�t deserve it either.

T: And he feels he didn�t deserve it, but they gave it to him, which was a very high rank, just so you guys know, very high rank. And coming to us, �cause he always said he asked somebody and they said these guys are less full of shoot so go with them.

DC: I did that. They did say those exact words.

T: So, and that he was �volunteer voluntold�, this is who you�re gonna go with. And these people are some, I want to say have multiple stars on their shoulders.

DC: Well, and also equivalents too, I mean not just military but also other...

T: Yeah, that level of people, just so you guys know, since in depth and telling everything. I didn�t know we�d be doing this today.

DC: Let me clarify a little bit. The reason I still talk to, one they were incredibly influential in my life and I�m very very grateful for the capability and opportunity. Also I�m very good friends with them and so I asked for their advice. I was not working for them when we, when I started at all. I literally said hey I�m gonna help here, you want to help? And they said sure. And so that�s kind of how it happened.

T: Okay. And I called him DC Guy because of the level of contacts and things that he does have and because not only who we were getting information from but some of the people we got directions from or requests from, on that level, just so you know, since we�re putting it all out here, but we�re not naming names, though, right?

DC: No we�re not!

T: Okay. All right. I would tell you guys we did this at great peril since he is telling that, and yes, people have been listening to our phones, our every word. They didn�t have to go take his picture. He actually told me when he looked at my file, right, they even know what gas station you go to.

DC: Yeah. Oh yeah, oh everybody does that.

T: I�ve actually seen people taking pictures of me, I knew what it was for, knew I was being tacked, everything else, and this is at the highest of levels, so that�s why as me and Pam joke, he�s my handler, he was assigned to me �cause it was getting crazy. And he�s like okay let me go calm this down. Anyway that�s too much background. Anyway, it was great. I appreciate you being here. Everybody else I�m getting texts and they absolutely want to say thank you, thank you for being part. I know what the sacrifice was, and guys in the last couple of weeks, and I�m not trying to get any credit, but the fact that what once was, what DC Guy was saying this idiot who we�ve done a complete background check on, has put out video stuff and that and you know, we know exactly you know, his last two jobs he had �cause he doesn�t have one, we know he lives with his mom and dad, their names. We know, we got his complete history, everybody else, even though he thinks we don�t know. I mean I don�t know who he thought he was playing with and why we couldn�t get it with all the contacts that we have, but they�ve done him as well as the others. When I told you guys they actually did backgrounds on some idiots, they have their psychological reports, and believe me a couple of them actually have them and that�s how we know what their situations are. And we know what their history is even though they think we don�t, but it will all be taken care of in its place, but it�s all been done. But the fact that him and Pam had to go through it, I never mind going through it, I�ve been going through it for four years and people don�t know what they�re talking about, don�t even know what�s real and what�s not real, but anyway, they shouldn�t have ever had to go through that because neither one of them have never done anything but try to help you as best they can. I mean that�s what they�ve done, and that�s what they�re getting scrutinized for by some idiots, fidiots, or just plain ****es, that�s all, which we don�t give them that much power. We�re here for everybody else, we wanted to tell them that we�re grateful to him and Pam for even going through this �cause they didn�t have to, but they absolutely did for everybody, so I appreciate it, and I�m sure there�s 250,000 if not 2,000,000 more people that will be grateful for that.

DC: Well thank you.

T: Your letters, your comments, everything else, guys we recorded every call that I�ve ever done. I don�t care you know, what, People�s Dinar, PTR, I have every call that I�ve ever done, recorded, I�ve been doing it for four years. It�s gonna be part of history. Every site and comment has been recorded. It�s gonna be part of history. Your letters are gonna be part of history, you guys will. And like you said, when the time, hopefully, we�re gonna give it to the government, we�re giving it all to them except for the stuff I wasn�t supposed to have, but I�m gonna give them everything else. I�ll give them all that so they in fact can, and we hope to include this and I know some people will try it before 10 or 15 years, but I mean we�re signing a 15-year NDA and actually it says we can�t be in politics, right? Or I can�t be in politics, or something.

DC: The one I saw was.

T: So anyway, I don�t want to be in politics anyway just so they know, okay, that we don�t. And we�re definitely going to be under more restrictions you guys but it�s okay! I mean we did it, it was the right thing to do, we did it for the right people, and just on the calls, the questions, comments, the things that we received, I know I was doing the right thing. So DC knows he was, Pam knew he was, and the guys we can�t mention, oh my God at every level, I mean at every level, but we got so many of them out of DC guys at that time.

DC: It�s amazing, it really is amazing.

T: They just start volunteering, starting sending us information, start, I mean, DC�s guys started contacting Pam, started sending me stuff, people were supporting us like you guys have no idea. And we gotta say thank you. I wish we could include all them in there too, but we can�t, but.

DC: We can�t, huh-uh.

T: All right. Anyway, I didn�t know we were doing this today. I didn�t know you were going to give up that much information, tell you the truth.

DC: Well I just wanted, again, I just wanted. You know, I�m gonna get shut down so therefore I just, share my side. Again, I�m pretty proud of what I�ve done. I�ve made a lot of mistakes, but I�ve also had a few wins, so that�s what I want them to know.

T: Okay and guys well, going forward then we�ll do this right now too, we�re going to do what we can do, and I�ve always told you guys you�re my first priority, �cause I already know what I can do. DC knows what he can do, Pam, everybody else, so you guys are first. I�m gonna see what they want us to do because we have yet to really discuss it and make sure, I mean, I�m not gonna do anything to hurt you, I guarantee you that. I�m gonna work and try and get this through as smoothly and as fast as we can so you guys understand it and so that you can believe in the process, and I�m not saying they�re gonna do anything wrong, I�m just saying we�re not. And I may not be able to tell you some things because then I have inside information that may not allow me to tell you anything else from that point on, so you guys will just have to remember what I�ve told you up to this day, what I would do in certain situations, what you should be looking for against, you know, your future. Hopefully when I go sit down to read this, and I�m just telling everybody again, I�m gonna try and at least do our four events if we can�t do anything else. I want to do those to give you guys time to meet each other, to give us time to celebrate, �cause we went through four years of pure hell, I did anyway, behind the scenes, if nobody else did. But I think you guys deserve a chance, a location to safely meet each other, talk about business, form your friendships, and plan out your lives, I think that�s something fair. And I�m hoping that, you know, what I was told, Wells Fargo still is willing to do the training classes, the wealth management classes, get you guys together and go through that, so that�s our plan.

DC: I�d like to say one more thing just again for what I understand if people are listening for articles or research or whatever. What I�ve been told by several different folks is quite simply the, our numbers are somewhere between 30-60,000 listen to the live call, and then about, is about 30,000 listen to the recorded? What�s the number on the recorded, listen to....

T: No it goes up way more than double �cause they only do the two hours. But go ahead. I think we go from 30,000 to almost, I don�t know, 300,000 throughout 24-48 hours people that listen to the calls.

DC: So actually that listen to our calls we have somewhere around within a 24-48 hour period, we have about, a listening audience of about 300,000. What we understand on all the different Recaps and different websites, etc., what I am told and also folks who email different highlights or whatever to folks, what I am told we have, what they call not scientifically but they call our sphere of influence is about 1.3 to 1.4 million is about what kind of influence on there. Obviously Twitter has got a quarter million on there. My point is to put numbers because I know some folks like to have numbers. The intent is not to, to say oh look at these numbers, it is simply to put in perspective that is how I view and that�s how Tony views a lot of the questions and answers, we�re not trying to answer your specific question, we�re trying to address, you know, 300,000 listeners, 1.2-1.3 million folks paying attention to it. What are the kind of, did your question, was this kind of adjacent to several others as to what that 1.2 million might ask. Again that�s why I wanted to put that out there. Okay I�m ready. Let�s go.

T: Well, I like to have some fun during the calls myself, just so you know.

DC: Oh hell yeah.

T: Okay. All right, well let�s do this before we give it to them, �cause it may be our last time. Can you give us the numbers for dinar, dong, Zimbabwe?

DC: Okay. These are a little old and I�m sure UST will tell us otherwise. What I had was about 5 million people have dinar, about 2-300,000 had dong, and less than 10,000 have Zimbabwe. Rupiah I have no clue. The average holding is 100,000 dinar. The median holding is like 250, 250,000. The number of people over a million, I want to say is, what is the number, shoot I�m blanking? Ten? No it�s a little more than that. Over a million dinar. Not counting reserves.

T: It�s under 20, �cause it wasn�t....

DC: I wanted to to say 12 to 13 million, again not counting reserves.

T: Thousand. 12 to 13,000.

DC: Correct. The number of people over ten, you�re getting down into the lower single digits or your lower, you know, two or three thousand folks. The numbers of folks over 50 is, you�re less than a thousand. So to give everybody perspective, that�s how much is out there.

T: And guys they�ve been tracking this for years, so they know the exact numbers, who we�re talking to, they know why they say in two years 90% of them will be broke, because they know what you�re gonna have and you�re just gonna run out and blow it, which I hope not, and even when we got those numbers, �cause I�ve had those numbers for two years or three years, and that 90% is why we started doing what nobody else is doing and trying to explain to you, give you ideas, procedures to make your money grow, to put your money to work, to not be part of that 90-95% that they�re saying are being broke in two years. That was part of our purpose, to help and build and do that and do the right thing by not just saying hey take your money and run or go out and buy you a new car or new house and then you can�t afford the maintenance on it. Please don�t do that. A lot of you guys are gonna end up with a half a million dollars and think you�re rich and you�re not. I�m telling you. You will go through $500,000 so fast it�ll make your head swim if you don�t do the right thing. If you don�t first accept it right, if you don�t prepare for the taxes, and if you don�t make that money start making money before you spend it, you�re gonna make them right, it�s gonna be gone before you know it. And we just gave you the numbers, so those are the people we�re talking about. So. Okay DC we�re gonna go to Utah, 435, good morning.

DC: Hi Utah!

T: 435, Nope?

C: Good morning. How are you Tony?

T: Good, how are you?

C: And DC, Pam, hope everything is going well. Anyway, I have a little story I was gonna tell but I think my wife would get upset. We had some dinar on layaway with Sterling Silver, or Sterling, anyway she got a text yesterday that they�re ready to send it to us, and she called me and I got a little excited, she got real excited, called our one friend, told her that Sterling was taking the money and transferring, that they had paid it off. Well, after we looked it it, they had just taken the money out to pay it as a full pay, so it was just a misunderstanding, but it turned out to be so funny.

T: Okay. Well at least you know it�s yours now right?

C: Yeah. So anyway, I really appreciate all that you guys have done and I thought you could use a little laugh this morning. You�ve been serious all day, so have a good one and thanks for everything you guys do.

DC: Thank you, appreciate that.

T: All right, thank you sir. And guys, I do want to say this because you guys said Sterling a couple times. I like Sterling, now, I mean, and I�ve bought from several places, and I�m not really saying anything bad here, but some places you guys just had absolute, well I guess I am saying something bad, absolutely trusting, I mean you just had no business trusting them. I like Sterling, I think they�re very professional, I think they present themselves professional, their tapes, everything else. I don�t see them switching up. They have a great crew down there and everything, and I just respect the way they do business and that�s why I talk to them. They never did anything for me they didn�t do for anybody else. They never, you know, one time I absolutely was, when we first started the site, put a link up and I was going to advertise for them and get paid for advertising, nothing else, for letting them do that and then said nope, better not do that, �cause somebody out there, some fidiot, idiots, or **** is gonna say that they�re paying me to pump dinar. So, and I talked to Frank, yeah it�s not a good idea so let�s not do that. And he didn�t want to because of, you know, the last site was doing something like that, but anyway, and I wanted to make that clear to everybody. Nobody was paying me, Pam, DC, Ray, anybody else for anything on this site, nobody, not ever.

Now I could have made a lot of money on this site if I would just put advertisement up here. Google would have paid us, Ad Works would have paid us, somebody else would have paid us and we know that just by the volume that we got on the site. And we did not do that �cause again it wasn�t about the money. I could have been making money the whole time, a lot of money. But I said if the site can�t carry itself, and we can�t get enough people to care about it, then they don�t care about it. And fortunately, we have done just that. But we again we get 30-4,000 people on every call, and I promise you guys we�ve been up here how long Pam? I don�t even know. I�m telling you we have less than that, probably less than 500 people all together have ever donated to this site. That�s a true fact, I can tell you that. Nobody else, no site has paid us. We don�t get paid based on how long we stay on, all the other stuff that these idiots are telling you guys. We haven�t even looked into it.

Now they may be right. There may be a way to do that, we just haven�t researched it, looked at it, or thought that that was something we wanted to do. Now, for two very good reasons, one is again what I just told you guys, I thought the site could carry itself, and two is if any of that was wrong, I know for a fact, a fact, F-A-C-T, every agency in this government is looking at me, every agency in this government has been on our calls, has monitored our calls, and I could tell you some things that you guys really don�t want to hear. I mean it�s so much level, places that my name has been mentioned in Washington, in the Pentagon, a whole lot of places that even blows my mind, I�m like why are they talking about me. I mean guys at that levels, and it�s well �cause what you�re saying on the call, what you�re doing on the call, I mean, and what you�re preparing for. And I didn�t do anything or say anything that wasn�t in your best interest first of all, �cause I ever was never self-promoting, trying to make money, anything, it was all about us because we are the people. But I know that, so if I know that, like DC said, why would I be doing something stupid as what these idiots say when I know for a fact there is a list of gurus that they are going to get. Is there not DC?

DC: Oh yeah, a ton of them.

T: There is a list that they have prepared indictments for, just so you know. Anyway. He just made me think about that when he said Sterling. And since we�re telling a whole lot of stuff today which I didn�t know we were gonna do but anyway, lol.


Video of DC /
Winston Pfiester

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